Still Surprisingly Single
Reunions are about getting people from a group together to catch up on how their plans for life worked out, and they can cause a great deal of anxiety as it approaches. There are always those everyone deemed would be a great success, and there was generally the one person who planned to be married and have a large family. She is the one who had already found her husband, married right after graduation, and people assumed she settled down to the life she planned. When she arrives at the reunion, surprisingly single, she will be the center of attention for many.
Some people will feel sad that she is no longer married, others will be curious, and some of them will be disappointed that her life did not work out as she had wanted. They might find she changed her mind, or her husband might have passed away suddenly. No matter what happened, many of them will compare their lives with hers and it might take some of the color out of their lives.
The other women in the group could be appalled that she no longer has a spouse, and they might be concerned she will want their husband. Some of them will feel better that even her perfect relationship did not last, and others will feel relieved because their marriage is not going too well either. If she did divorce, they might feel their own thoughts of leaving their relationship are justified.
There is almost always one person in a group who is determined to have the perfect domesticated life, and it is generally one of the women. She is forthright in her desire to marry and have children, and she claims divorce is something that would never occur to her. She might be right, or she could have found her perfect life was not quite what she really wanted.